Good bye 2013, hello 2014!

As 2013 came to an end and we were finishing reports for investors, it became pretty clear that this year was a great deal for Tresorit. The time has come to sum up and share the most hilarious moments of the year. So brace yourself, Tresorit retrospect is coming!
Going public!
We launched our very first public beta version of Tresorit in April. It was an amazing day and a hard night: thanks to the buzz generated by the Lifehacker coverage and very positive earlybird user experiences, our servers could hardly withstand the load. It was amazing to see that all the work invested in finding the right developers to build the Tresorit Team was worth it.
It was also a great pleasure to announce that from December you can keep all your memories secure an sound: we have introduced Tresorit Pro and Business Plans! If you are up for more security check out our website!
Amazing to see the growth of the Tresorit community
Back in April we rented a small apartment, where 12 of us were involved in building a secure cloud solution. Strong user demand for features and platforms changed the game: this summer was an intensive and amazing period in terms of growth.
During the summer heat, the application got ready for three additional platforms, so from August Tresorit is available for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. We also love the new black and blue design and the graphic interface, which is much more intuitive and faster than the old one was.
By the end of December more than 30 of us celebrated the holiday season and of course we are still looking for fresh minds, so if you are engaged with Javascript, C++ or Data Analysis, don’t hesitate to contact us! We also enjoy a brand new office – and yes, the new place was meant to be an office.
Meet Tresorit or contact Us!
As we have reported in a previous post, we love conferences and meeting new folks. This year we got many chances to give onstage pitches at startup competitions and introduce security in the cloud. Also these conferences are great opportunities for learning from other startups and getting to know fresh ideas and minds.
No problem if you have missed 2013’s conference season, you can contact us any time! Also make sure that you drop us a line if you are around Budapest and wish to meet us.
Wrapping up the story, 2013 was a year of so much joy, even a bit more work and amazing results. We welcome 2014 in a hope that this year will bring more challenges and we can develop Tresorit to an even greater service!