In accordance with EU sanctions, Tresorit suspends its services to Russia and Belarus

In response to the Russia-Ukraine war, the European Union has imposed further sanctions and extended the restrictions on services and products provided to Russian and Belarusian individuals and entities.
The Council Regulation (EU) 2022/328 of 25 February 2022 and Council Regulation (EU) 2022/355 of 2 March 2022 prohibit providing several products and services, among others mass market encryption software, that might contribute to Russia’s or Belarus’ military and technological enhancement, or the development of the defense and security sector to any natural or legal person, entity, or body in Russia or Belarus or for use in Russia or Belarus.
Continuing our practice of complying with international trade protocols and to be compliant with the new EU regulations, Tresorit immediately suspends its services in the territory of Russia and Belarus and suspends entering into new agreements with Russian and Belarusian users. In line with the legal provisions, the suspension will remain in place until further notice.
As a company working towards empowering people to secure their data and protecting the right to privacy as a human right, Tresorit strongly condemns any military actions that risk civilians’ right to safety and may violate international humanitarian law. With the suspension of our services, we wish to ensure that our services will not be used for threatening human rights.
Users from Russia and Belarus can find more information about the suspension on the Knowledge Base.