Arm Your Business Against COVID-19 With Tresorit

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis have shaken the world; businesses have to adapt to a new reality in the blink of an eye and as a result, companies are rapidly shifting to remote work and changing the way they function. In a matter of days, ‘social distancing’ has become the most talked-about buzzword.
For a lot of businesses, such a swift transformation is a challenge in itself as they might lack the necessary infrastructure for home office. Establishing a secure workspace suitable for remote work in a matter of days is a major challenge for IT teams all around the globe, while cybercriminals are also quick to take advantage of the situation. Hackers are capitalizing on people’s fears and anxiety over COVID-19 by sending phishing emails disguised as news or company communications regarding the virus, and even the WHO has warned against the growing number of phishing scams in their name.
In times like these, it’s extra important to pay attention to the security of your company’s confidential business data. Many hackers are eager to take advantage of people letting their guard down in times of heightened anxiety or weaker security measures. COVID-19 is bringing about an unprecedented wave of cyberattacks according to experts, and Tresorit is here to help.
Arm Your Business Against COVID-19 With Tresorit
Here are some things that Tresorit can help you with when you switch to remote work:
Easy-to-deploy encrypted cloud storage
Tresorit encrypts and stores your files in the cloud, while also letting you and your colleagues collaborate on content. Deployment is quick and easy, and you can move your usual folder structure to Tresorit in no time. Our encryption runs in the background without you even noticing and protects your files against hackers. When you enable sync, your files will always be up to date across devices.
Secure collaboration
Tresorit makes content collaboration hassle-free and secure. You can set up dedicated folders for different teams, and control who can access, edit, and share the files in that specific folder, so that the right people can work on the right things.
With Tresorit, you can secure your data transfers both internally and externally. Any file you store in Tresorit can be shared via secure links, where you’ll be able to set up password protection, an open limit and expiration date, or you can also request the recipient to verify themselves in email. Access can be revoked at any time to help you avoid data breaches.
Our newest feature, file requests, can speed up your collaboration as well. You can request files both from your colleagues and external parties, no Tresorit account needed. The files added to a file request are stored in Tresorit right away, meaning that they’re protected by our first-in-class end-to-end encryption.
Keeping control of your data
Working remotely does not have to equal working without any regulations. Tresorit’s Admin Center gives you full control over your account: you can set up policies for different user groups to manage how they use Tresorit. You can enforce 2-step verification, disable or limit certain functions like sharing, define what devices your employees can use Tresorit from, and much more.
In the Admin Center, you’ll also be able to see different reports on how your employees are using Tresorit, which gives you increased control and transparency over the security of your company data.
Switch to remote work seamlessly
A lot of companies are faced with the challenge of switching to remote work from one day to the next. Tresorit can provide your organization with a secure collaboration tool where you can remain productive even when working from home, without worrying about the security of your data. You can set up our solution instantly, so your team can work from home without interruption.