Downloadable Ebook:
Secure file sharing and sync by design
Many organizations use file sharing and sync as a service to ensure convenient daily operations for employees. As organizations become more conscious of data confidentiality and user privacy concerns, convenience on its own is no longer enough.
Download ebook
Many organizations use file sharing and sync as a service to ensure convenient daily operations for employees. As organizations become more conscious of data confidentiality and user privacy concerns, convenience on its own is no longer enough.

In this free Ebook, you'll learn
- How mainstream providers handle your files and what are the associated risks.
- How Tresorit provides continuous file security with end-to-end encryption and Zero knowledge.
“End-to-end encryption is the only way to provide users with true control over their data”

Istvan Lam
Keep control over your files
Cloud-based applications make your life more convenient. However, they could create risks for your data. Under the GDPR, you as a data controller are responsible for protecting all personal data you manage throughout its processing lifecycle.