Tresorit goes mobile!

Did you know that the average smartphone owner has around 100 apps on their device? And did you know that 9 months after Apple released the Appstore in 2008, the download counter hit 1 billion downloads? Marketers predict that by the end of 2013, 2 billion iOS and Android apps will be downloaded every week? Amazing, right?!
No wonder that according to our latest research – in which more than 4000 users told us their thoughts about Tresorit – Android and iOS apps grabbed the top spot of the wishlist.
Emerging number of mobile security threats
You may remember that in our previous post we mentioned that iOS, Android or Windows Phone apps must be signed? If the app does not have a signed code, these mobile operating systems will ban it. This is why there are very few mobile viruses. However smart phones are still exposed to various threats. ABI Research reports that in the last two quarters closing 2012 the number of unique mobile threats nearly tripled compared to the same period of 2011.These threats can disrupt the operation of the smartphone, and transmit or modify the user data.
We also love all the gadgets and the way they easen our life: holding a camera in our pocket, managing tasks at work and reading e-mails. I am sure you also have many other examples on your mind. Since smartphones are devices for data management, therefore they may contain sensitive data like credit card numbers, authentication information, private documents, pictures and videos, activity logs (calendar, call logs). We believe that such sensitive data should not be unprotected.
This post is a little sneak peek. Beta releases are quite close, we are getting more and more excited – and wanted to share it with you. Protecting (and syncing!) data you store on your phone will be much easier with Tresorit. Stay tuned.
So this is the latest with us. Let us know your thoughts here in comments!