5 things we learnt from DuckDuckGo’s Kamyl Bazbaz

5 things we learnt from DuckDuckGo’s Kamyl Bazbaz

It’s not just the upcoming Data Privacy Day that has put a spotlight on privacy – we’ve also witnessed a new wave of users migrating to pro-privacy messaging services following WhatsApp’s recent terms and policy changes. If you’re convinced that this is only a passing phase, we hope that some of the highlights from our podcast with DuckDuckGo’s VP of Communications Kamyl Bazbaz, Vice President of Communications make you think otherwise.

Read on for to discover about the top 5 takeaways from Kamyl’s episode of under CTRL:

1. We’ve reached a tipping point in trust and digital privacy

The increase in digital surveillance and a sharp uptick in social media exposure may have reached new highs over the last years, but this has been matched by a growing awareness of privacy. Kamyl believes that people are fed up with the “feeling of being watched online” and “manipulated through advertising.” DuckDuckDuck’s skyrocketing trafficis an obvious trend signal for this.

2. Simplicity pays off when it comes to marketing privacy browsing solutions

There’s a misconception around the complexity of switching to a browser like DuckDuckGo is time consuming and complex, which Kamyl believes is holding people back from making the jump. “getting privacy online should be simple and accessible to everyone”, adds Kamyl, before noting that DuckDuckGo’s “easy button for privacy” is a key step forward for the company’s mission to remove the barriers from private navigation.

3. Advertising based revenue models are acceptable, so long as the targeting is not intrusive

Behaviourial based targeting (and what many, ourselves included, would deem as excessive privacy violations) by tech monopolies have ruined the reputation of advertising revenue models. DuckDuckGo presents a safer, less intrusive solution: a keyword based model that’s low on tracking, and high on ROAS.

4. Filter bubbles can cause intellectual isolation

The more you scroll and click, the more “well-informed” your Google search results will appear. That’s because feeding the algorithm with personal information allows advertisers to tailor results based on their search history. Getting caught in what Kamyl calls a “filter bubble” can lead to intellectual isolation and has been proven to have a significant impact on behaviour and attitudes.

5. A combination of public opinion and regulatory action could foster privacy trend

Kamyl warns against “privacy washing” tactics that lure users in a false sense of control during the under CTTRl podcast, though he cites the House of Representatives antitrust report on the Big Tech’s monopoly and the accompanying public interest as signs that actionable change around digital privacy laws could be coming.

Feeling ready to step into a private world without leaving a digital footprint? Check out the full DuckDuckGo episode here and read about our latest episode featuring Have I been Pwned founder Troy Hunt.

You can also access a full library of under CTRL podcasts in our Podcast section and through Spotify – and don’t forget to stay connected through Twitter and LinkedIn to get updates on new episode releases and more from the world of privacy and data security!