Elevate Your Business with Tresorit’s Client Data Rooms: A Complete Solution for Secure Collaboration

Elevate Your Business with Tresorit’s Client Data Rooms: A Complete Solution for Secure Collaboration

In today's fast-paced IT consultancy industry, the need for secure and efficient data management has never been greater. And with remote work becoming an integral part of many organizations' operational strategies, it is even more important for businesses to find suitable solutions for collaboration. A study by Owl Labs points out that for 72% of remote workers, using collaborative tools is essential to their productivity.

But in the IT consultancy business, productivity must be matched with unparalleled security. In a field where highly sensitive client data is shared daily, data security is not just essential but a business imperative. The integration of client data rooms, therefore, emerges as a pivotal strategy for businesses operating in this sector.  

A client data room serves as a secure repository where sensitive information of client projects, agreements, and collaborations can be stored, accessed, and managed with efficiency and confidentiality. In an era characterized by stringent privacy regulations and increased security threats, the necessity for such a platform is underscored by the imperative to safeguard client data while ensuring seamless collaboration. By using client data rooms, IT services firms improve their data security, streamline internal processes, build client trust, and ultimately, foster growth and success in a competitive marketplace. 

Secwatch, a renowned cybersecurity consultancy, has already recognized the need for the strict separation of different clients' data in a solution which does not hinder productivity and comes, at the same time, with robust security measures. As they met limitations with previous solutions like Box Enterprise and Microsoft OneDrive, they decided to switch to Tresorit.  

These solutions did not address our requirements of safely distributing highly sensitive documents”, explained Henk-Jan Angerman, CEO at Secwatch. "The security of our clients' data is paramount to our operations. We needed a solution that gives our customers absolute trust that their most confident IT data is in the best hands. At the same time our teams need all the capabilities to collaborate without switching tools for handling data." Angerman added. 

Data Rooms to separate information from different clients 

By utilizing Tresorit Data Rooms, IT consultancies can effectively segregate information belonging to different clients, maintaining confidentiality and compliance with strict data protection regulations such as GDPR. 

With rapid implementation and low training costs, Tresorit Data Rooms empower IT consultancies to hit the ground running, accelerating project timelines and enhancing overall efficiency.  

The intuitive interface fosters high usability, leading to increased productivity and seamless collaboration across teams. 

Tresorit understands that every IT consultancy operates differently. That's why the Data Rooms offer extensive options for customization, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific requirements and workflows. 

Main functionalities of Tresorit Data Rooms: 

  • Granular Access Controls: Admins can exercise control over user permissions, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. 
  • Data Residency Options: Flexible data residency options enable admins to choose the location where each client wants their data to be hosted. 
  • Multi-Platform Support: Tresorit Data Rooms seamlessly integrate with various platforms, enabling access from desktop, web, and mobile devices. 
  • Integration into Outlook: Outlook Integration streamlines collaboration, allowing users to access and share files directly from their preferred communication channels. 
  • eSign Option: The eSign feature enables secure electronic document signing, eliminating the need for yet another tool for signing. 
  • Prevention of Shadow-IT: With Tresorit Data Rooms, IT consultancies can prevent the proliferation of shadow IT by providing a secure, centralized platform for file sharing and collaboration. 

All these functionalities come in one centralized, end-to-end encrypted platform, which protects client data from unauthorized access. What’s more, Tresorit’s multi-certified tool can also help you comply with the strictest regulations - GDPR, HIPAA, TISAX, FINRA, and more. 

Let the data room be the driving force of your business 

In the dynamic realm of IT services, maintaining a competitive edge hinges not only on technical expertise but also on adept management of client data. By leveraging Tresorit Data Rooms, IT consultancies can build and maintain trust with clients, demonstrating a commitment to data security and confidentiality.  

For Secwatch, the investment in Tresorit paid off. “We have realized immediate benefits in terms of increased productivity and cost savings. However, beyond the quantitative gains, we got the benefit of earning additional trust from clients. They value our commitment to safeguarding their digital assets and that gives us a competitive advantage” said Angerman.