Meet Tresorit’s new CSO – an interview with Arno van Züren

Meet Tresorit’s new CSO – an interview with Arno van Züren

With 30 years of IT security sales and compliance expertise under his belt, our new Chief Sales Officer Arno van Züren has already been hard at work driving the development and expansion of our enterprise sales unit since joining Tresorit at the beginning of 2021.

We sat down with him (virtually of course) to discuss his perspective on Tresorit, the security industry and the top threats for businesses.

Why did you join Tresorit and what are your most important responsibilities at Tresorit?

One of my main goals at Tresorit is to increase the platform’s visibility within the productivity solution market and reach all IT decision makers, Security Officers, IT Manager and compliance consultants with our newly launched enterprise offering, Tresorit Content Shield. I see Tresorit as the perfect solution for organizations who want to accelerate their digital transformation, and joined to educate businesses on the power of end-to-end encryption and its potential to greatly reduce the risk of external collaboration.

Tresorit can help businesses within heavily regulated industries protect their data and enable secure data exchange and collaboration when working with confidential files – a point that became even more important as most of us moved to a remote working model in 2020.

As Tresorit’s CSO, my role is to engage and convert suitable candidates from within these industries, understand their business challenges and strategically position Tresorit as a viable productivity solution for customers across a diverse spectrum of industries.

What are your top security topics for 2021?

Securing remote work, preventing data breaches and remaining compliant should be the top security topics on the mind of any business leader in 2021 from my perspective.

Remote working presents companies with major challenges, especially those who have not completed their digital transformation processes. The rising number of breach incidents reported globally is also a cause for concern - whether the criminal in question is a competitor in need of development data, or a foreign power looking to cause economic harm.

The data loss from a breach creates a huge amount of work for businesses (in the form of forensics and escalation management), which makes implementing measures to mitigate risk hugely important. And then last but certainly not least, there’s the unavoidable subject of compliance, which puts pressure on companies within sectors like financial services, healthcare and automotive to protect and secure customer, patient and supplier data.

What do you see as the biggest challenges regarding compliance and information security for businesses nowadays? What would be your advice to them?

As a business, the biggest challenge is choosing an approach that matches your budget, meets your  industry’s compliance guidelines and – most importantly – satisfies your organizations’ own requirements.

Whilst many industries have detailed security standards that can guide this process, such as the automotive industry with TISAX, or even the banking industry with MARISK, my recommendation for most businesses is to take the middle ground and factor in internal and external requirements equally.

How can Tresorit support enterprises?

Tresorit supports enterprises by enabling secure and easy collaboration between teams and partners, and help companies stay one step ahead of would-be hackers by removing weaknesses from their communication channels.

How do you make sure your digital privacy is protected?

As a young person, I experimented with computers at a very early age and tried to understand other systems with my first acoustic coupler. As part of this process, I quickly realized how important it is to protect information and, as a result, I switched to finding ways to protect information.

I think very carefully about what information I make available digitally – I’ve developed my own human firewall, to speak – but I am not completely closed off! In fact, the existence of solutions like Tresorit makes me feel more confident about moving my routines and workflows to the cloud.

Learn more about us (and our new Tresorit Content Shield offering) on the Tresorit homepage.