Privacy Shield Replaces Safe Harbor - Awareness Still Needed

Privacy Shield Replaces Safe Harbor - Awareness Still Needed

The End of Safe Harbor initiative, featuring European SaaS companies like Mailjet, Planio, Posteo, Tresorit and many more, welcomes the progress over Safe Harbor, however, they are doubtful whether Privacy Shield is going to be a sufficient and long-term solution for protecting EU citizen’s data when transferred to the US. Therefore, they call for further awareness both from individuals and businesses in wake of Privacy Shield.

  • Recommending secure EU-based services for data protection

According to a recent survey by Tresorit, more than half of German professionals (59%) would prefer European services for online communication due to privacy concerns, however, vast majority of them (96%) still use the services of US tech giants. Responding to the growing demand for data privacy and security by users, Planio started the “End of Safe Harbor” initiative to highlight those European-based services that provide both.

“While the Privacy Shield is an admirable attempt to restore legal certainty, consumers and businesses in the EU should enjoy the same data protection and freedom for data stored in the USA as they enjoy in the EU. That means that the long-term solution is for the USA to introduce robust data protection rights comparable to those in the EU”, Jan Schulz-Hofen, CEO of Planio, comments.

  • Urging EU-based providers to continue to further improve data protection

Due to the stricter data protection framework in the EU such as the recently accepted General Data Protection Regulation or the Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, EU companies must meet stringent data protection standards.

The clear demand for services that protect privacy and data security should urge European technology companies to continue to further improve their data protection practices and provide secure alternatives for users. The End of Safe Harbor initiative welcomes all companies who are committed for data protection and security while offering easy-to-use and effective services for their customers.

  • Requiring awareness from users: checklist for secure services

The companies behind the initiative point out that regulation alone cannot solve all data protection and security concerns: citizens and businesses should look for online services that meet the highest data protection standards in all aspects including technological, legal and physical terms.

“Consumers have the power to choose services that protect their data with strong encryption, comply with strict data protection regulations such as the coming GDPR, host data in preferably European data centers and inform users about data usage terms in a transparent way. After all, control over your own data should be easy, not rocket science”, says Istvan Lam, CEO of Tresorit.